What Business Needs from Business Schools

What Business Needs from Business Schools

Six Principles for B-schools Program Reform

Require more courses in the “people skills” that are vital to managing effectively. Emphasize the basic skills and tools needed for problem solving. Provide strong grounding in theories of economics, measurement, governance, psychology, human behavior, and leadership.

Design curricula so that students can learn by doing to apply multiple disciplines on the job. Encourage students to take electives outside the traditional core curriculum.
Create differentiated curricula and allow students to concentrate in specific industries.

Six Reforms
Students, schools, and businesses - as well as governments and the general public - would be better served if graduate business schools began to implement change in six areas as well as best college in Indore.

  • First, business schools should require more courses in communication, leadership, human resources, psychology, and other fields that provide graduates with skills vital to effectively managing people and team-driven organizations.

  • Second, business schools should introduce and emphasize courses that offer the basic skills and tools needed in problem solving. 

  • Third, more and better grounding in theory theories of economics, measurement, governance, psychology, human behavior, and leadership.

  • Fourth, schools should make changes in their curricula so that students can integrate their learning and apply multiple disciplines on the job.

  • Fifth, schools should encourage students to take full advantage of courses outside the traditional core curriculum. 

  • Sixth, and perhaps most critically, schools should commit themselves to re-creating differentiation in their curricula. 

By working with employers, business schools can redouble their efforts to meet employer needs. This change in approach will not pay off for the business schools in the short term, because it won’t immediately attract more students.

The author of this article is Asst Professor Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies Indore.

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