

E-learning is electronic learning that are using a computers to deliver all courses in a school, part of business training or a full distance learning course. Now a day’s internet is big part of our life. Without internet nothing is possible. E-learning is a brilliant idea through which we learn whatever we need to be learning. There are different expert who are teaches us different thing. It’s not possible for anyone to know everything. So it is better to learn different thing for different person. It is depend upon your mood when you want to learn. And many of them are free of cost. So free to learn everything you want. So E-learning basically changes the so called educational system. E-learning breaks the limitation of physical barrier. Due to its wide reach it allows student from any part of the world to access education dealing with any subject, with E-learning students are exposed to different methods of education. The use of images, sound, text, videos can lead to better understanding of any subject and student feels more active through such system. Top MBA colleges in Indore provide all the e-learning aids for the development of their students.

The author of this article is Asst. Professor Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies Indore.

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