Artificial Intelligence in Education


The rapid advances in technology in fresh decades have already brought about considerable changes in education, opening up new prospects to teach and learn anywhere anytime and providing new tools and methods to improve learning outcomes and support innovative teaching and learning.


Research into artificial intelligence and machine learning in education goes back to the late 1970s. Artificial intelligence methods were generally employed to design and facilitate interactive learning environments that would support learning by doing, and to design and implement tutoring systems by adapting instructions with respect to the students’ knowledge state.

But this is just the beginning. AI is increasingly used in education and learning contexts. The collision of three areas – data, computation and education – is set to have far-reaching consequences, raising fundamental questions about the nature of education: what is taught and how it is taught.


Artificial Intelligence in Education is an significant, if at times disturbing, contribution to the debate on AI and provides a detailed analysis on how it may impress the way teachers and pupils engage in teaching.

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